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Writer's pictureDoland White

Mastering Decision-Making: The Key to Empowered Leadership

Making decisions is at the core of what we do every single day. Whether it's choosing a new business opportunity or figuring out the next big move for our team, the decisions we make shape our success. 

But let's face it, decision-making can be tough. So, let's break it down and make it a bit easier with a process that's grounded in our mission, core values, and, of course, our four pillars of empowered leadership.

For the Sake of What?

First things first, ask yourself: For the sake of what? This question is about getting to the heart of the decision. What's the ultimate goal? Is it to drive growth? To innovate? To build a more cohesive team? Knowing the "what" behind your decision gives it purpose and direction.

Alignment with Mission and Core Values

Next up, how does this align with our mission and core values? Our mission is all about empowering organizations through innovative leadership, team development, accountability, autonomy, and trust. If the decision doesn't align with this, it's probably not worth pursuing. It's like having a North Star to guide us.

Contribution to Goals

Now, let's get specific: Does it contribute to your goals? You know - those big, hairy, audacious, bold goals that your organization is laser-focused on. If the answer is yes, great! If not, we need to dig deeper.

Evaluating Costs and Returns

Here comes the critical part: What's our cost (people, time and money)? and is the return on cost compelling to move forward? We're talking about resources here. How many people will it take? How much money? And most importantly, what's the expected return? Will the return outweigh the costs?

Information is Power

Do we have 80% of the information required to make a yes/no decision? Perfect decisions don't exist. If you wait for 100% of the information needed, chances are the opportunity is gone. Having a solid chunk of the necessary info helps us move forward confidently. Sometimes, you just need to trust your gut and take that leap with the information at hand.

Opportunity Cost

Finally, if we say yes to this idea or this action, what is the opportunity cost? What would we be saying NO to? This is crucial. Every yes means a no to something else. Make sure you're making the trade-off that benefits your mission and goals the most.

We Can If...

And here's the empowering twist: We can if… This phrase opens up possibilities. Maybe the decision seems challenging, but framing it with "we can if…" turns barriers into actionable steps. We can if we allocate more resources. We can if we tweak our approach. It's all about finding the path forward.

Integrating the Four Pillars

Now, let's weave in the four pillars of empowered leadership:

  1. Trust and Autonomy: Every decision should enhance trust and give our team more autonomy. If it doesn't, we need to rethink it.

  2. Communication and Transparency: Ensure open lines of communication. Everyone should understand the decision and its rationale.

  3. Growth and Innovation: Does this decision foster growth and encourage innovation? If yes, it's likely a good move.

  4. Systems of Accountability: Make sure there are accountability measures in place. Who's responsible for what, and how will we track progress?

Wrapping It Up

Decision-making doesn't have to be daunting. By following this structured process, you can make choices that are aligned with your mission, supported by your team, and geared towards success. Remember, empowered leaders are decisive leaders. So, let's make those decisions confidently and lead our teams to greatness!

Cheers to making smart, impactful decisions!


Hope this post helps you and your fellow leaders navigate the complex world of decision-making with confidence and clarity. Keep empowering your teams and driving towards success!

Want to know more about decision-making?

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